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About Sofia Jain-Schlaepfer

My Story

My dedication to the essence of all life has always been what has pulled me along my path. First through wildlife rehabilitation, then biology. Then after an octopus ate my PhD experiment (yes its a true story), I dove into a 2 year nature connection immersion (with Wisdom of the Earth). Spending time living in direct connection with the land, I began to see all the ways we relate to the land are also the ways we relate to ourselves, and both are suffering. It became clear that the cultural regeneration of mentoring, initiation, deep nature connection, and tending of our souls could create more thriving life all around.


My offering have come alive in various forms:  workshops at primitive skills gatherings, home-learner programs, family outdoor programs, adult creativity workshops, and community grief rituals. My deep connection with nature, ancestors and the mythic world finds voice in my art, music and poetry. 


My work draws on my time in the Wisdom of the Earth Immersion Program and Apprenticeship (2 year long, 8 Shields program and Coyote Mentoring), and grief and ritual work (with Rowena and Randy Jones, Josea Tamira Cossley, Laurence Cole). I am inspired by many including Robin Wall Kimmerer, Martin Prechtel, The Helpers Mentoring Society, Malidoma Some, Joanna Macy, Francis Weller, Bill Plotkins, and Jon Young.


Tender of Wild Seeds

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